Elevate your fireplace with the enchanting allure of Purple Tempered Fire Glass, perfect for natural gas and propane applications. This fire glass exudes a brilliant and elegant appearance, showcasing the regal and captivating shades of purple. As it illuminates with bright fire lighting, the Purple Fire Glass creates a visually stunning experience, casting a radiant glow that radiates comforting warmth. Fire glass, this is the colorful heat treated glass material seen in gas fire bowls and pits, since it has been heat treated it is for safe use in high heat circumstances Flames dance and flicker on luminous jewel-like fire glass, turning your fireplace or fire pit into a unique piece of art. Fireplace Glass and Fire Pit Glass are formulated for long-term heat consumption. These materials will not melt or degrade and will last a lifetime. Tempered fire glass is made from tempered glass, a type of safety glass that undergoes a heating and rapid cooling process for increased strength and durability. It lacks the reflective coating, providing a more straightforward, translucent appearance.